- Even though they don't seem like a lot, appetizers and snacks add up. Keep track of what you eat, even if it seems small.
- Don't spend too much time at the buffet, take a little food at a time and stop when you feel full.
- Desserts have a lot of calories, usually more than you think, so stop yourself from eating that second slice of pie.
- Plan a workout for the morning after big meals, that way you can eat without feeling too guilty and can burn off calories quickly.
- If you'll be cooking or baking this holiday season, don't snack on the ingredients. Your body will thank you for not eating all that extra food.
- Even though it's just as important the rest of the year, drink lots of water during these cold, calorie filled months. It will help keep you full and of course, healthy.
Six Ways to Stay Slim Over the Holidays